Suika Game, also known as Watermelon Game, is a Japanese Puzzle video game. The concept originates from a Chinese browser game titled "Synthetic Big Watermelon. In this Suika Game, you need to put fruits into a box one at a time. These fruits move around and can bump into each other, and when two of the same fruit touch, they combine into a bigger fruit. Your goal is to make the biggest watermelon.
There are different kinds of fruits in the game, and each fruit has its own special traits. Some are heavy, and some bounce a lot. To do well, you have to be smart about how you use these traits to make the watermelon as big as it can be.
Suika Game is also known as Watermelon game in English language. Suika is a Fruit game. In this game, You have to touch two same fruits to make a larger fruit.
Here are the tips for Suika game presented in bullet points:
1 Plan Your Moves Carefully: In Suika Game, think before you drop your fruits because it's a physics-based game. If you're not careful, your fruits might go where you don't want them to.No, Suika Watermelon Game is not available on for Android and iOS App Store.
The Suika Game is a physics-based puzzle game where players must combine fruits to create a Watermelon. The game goes on forever until all the fruit fills up the top of the box. The objective of the game is to score over 3,000 points, which is considered a win.
There are 11 different types of fruits in Suika Game, in order from smallest to largest:
1 Cherry